cover image A Shift Toward Prey

A Shift Toward Prey

Natalie Allison. Printmedia E-Launch, $3.99 e-book (426p) ASIN B06XKJMNND

This daring fantasy debut has teeth, though its multiple threads at times threaten to come undone. Chiari is a member of the Shifter realm; her people are capable of morphing into animals. In both jaguar and human form, she acts as assistant to her sister, Reyhani, who rules over the Shifters with an iron fist. When her sister’s cruelty pushes the Wolf Clan to a breaking point, Chiari joins forces with them in a planned rebellion. Hanging in the balance is an uneasy peace with the vampires, and matters are further complicated by Chiari’s discovery that a group of humans from a faraway kingdom have ventured into the Shifter realm. Chiari and her new allies must hold the three realms in a delicate diplomatic balance before they are plunged into a state of war. There is plenty of promise in Allison’s world, though heavy-handed exposition slows up the pace. When the action picks up in the latter half of the book, Allison’s talent for characterization and intrigue truly shines. With the stage set, fans can look forward to a deeper exploration of Allison’s fantasy landscape in future installments. (BookLife)